Letter to Eric Hargan, Acting Secretary of the HHS - Address Rising Health Insurance Premiums


Date: Dec. 1, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Dear Acting Secretary Hargan:

On November 1, open enrollment in the federally-run health care exchanges began in Wisconsin. Across the state, thousands of Wisconsinites found that the cost of health insurance had risen substantially. The average increase in the cost of premiums was 36 percent across the state, while the cost of silver plans had risen by 40 percent from the previous year.

My constituents are obviously concerned about this dramatic increase, with many contacting me on this issue. Many have asked what Congress and the administration are doing to try to combat these ever-rising premiums.

With the American Health Care Act and other significant health care reform efforts stalling, I am requesting the following information from the Department of Health and Human Services.

What steps is the agency taking to mitigate current and future premium increases?

What suggestions would the agency make to states that are preparing Sec. 1332 innovation waivers to lower premiums?

What specific suggestions would the agency make to Wisconsin?

What legislative steps can Congress take in the near term to prevent substantial increases in the coming years
My constituents, along with all Americans, are demanding that their government take action to finally reform our nation's health care system. It is our responsibility to help the health care system innovate and evolve to bring about the quality and affordable care the American people deserve.
